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EDD Assistance Form

AD21 Papan EDD Assistance Graphic

EDD Claims: What You Should Know

  • The easiest way to apply for a claim with the Employment Development Department (EDD) through filing online.
  • If you have questions regarding your claim, take a look through their Frequently Asked Questions page for Unemployment Insurance or Disability Insurance/Paid Family Leave to see if they have an answer for your inquiry. Don’t see it listed? See Ask EDD for assistance.
  • If you prefer to receive assistance by a live representative, you can call EDD or find the EDD Field Office closest to you.
    • For the appropriate number for your type of claim and preferred language, please see here. Assistance from representatives is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    • If you have trouble reaching a live representative over the phone, please remember that persistence is key when calling EDD. We strongly recommend calling first thing in the morning to have the greatest chance at connecting with a representative.

EDD’s processing time for submitted claims can be up to two weeks. If you have attempted all of the tips above and have not gotten a response after two weeks of contacting EDD, please fill out the form below. 

Please note that we are only able to assist constituents who live in Assembly District 21. If you are unsure who your state representative is, check here.

If you have carefully reviewed the information above and would still like to receive assistance from my office, please fill out the following form:

Assistance Form
Contact Information/Información del contacto
What is your issue?/¿Cual es su asunto?
Have you certified for ALL weeks pending of benefits?/¿Ha presentado sus certificaciones para TODAS las semanas pendientes de beneficios?
Have you contacted another elected official?/¿Se ha comunicado con otro funcionario electo?


Please carefully read the following:

By completing this form, I am requesting the Office of Assemblymember Papan (the “Assemblymember”) to assist me in working with the Employment Development Department (EDD) on my claim. I acknowledge that this may require the release of information contained in my records the dissemination of which may be prohibited by law. Therefore, I hereby authorize EDD and the Assemblymember to share all relevant portions of my records with each other, and to discuss matters relating to those records and my claim, until my claim is resolved.

I agree that I will not submit any personal identifiable information through this form that is not specifically requested. If the Assemblymember's office needs additional information, such as my EDD number, the office will contact me to request that information.


Lea atentamente lo siguiente:

Al completar este formulario, solicito a la Oficina de la Asambleísta Papan (la "Asambleísta") que me ayude a trabajar con el Departamento de Desarrollo Laboral (EDD por sus siglas en inglés) en mi reclamo. Reconozco que esto puede requerir la divulgación de información contenida en mis registros cual la divulgación puede estar prohibida por ley. Por lo tanto, autorizo a EDD y al Asambleísta a compartir todas las partes relevantes de mis registros y a discutir asuntos relacionados con esos registros y mi reclamo, hasta que se resuelva mi reclamo.

Acepto que no enviaré ninguna información de identificación personal a través de este formulario que no se solicite específicamente. Si la oficina del Asambleísta necesita información adicional, como mi número de EDD, la oficina se comunicará conmigo para solicitar esa información.

Zip code entered is outside of the District. Please use the Find Your Rep webpage to find your District Representatives.